Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Let's Focus on more Results

Do you want to see a difference?  Want to see some change in your results?  Then focus.  That’s right, focus.  Look at what you are doing throughout the day.  How much of it is just busy work, chatting by the water cooler, social media distraction?  My guess is, that distractions like those take up a bit of your “work time”  No matter if you are working at your job, or trying to get a task done at home.  Focus on that task, on that job.

For example, I am currently writing this article sitting in a chair in my living room with music playing.  I know that I can focus on writing and get my best info out when I have music playing.  If I had a movie or the TV on that would distract me too much.  My phone is turned over and on the coffee table so I don’t see every time I receive a notification.  

Find what works for you, put up a mental do not disturb sign (maybe even a physical one LOL) and focus on the task at hand.  Stick with it until it’s done or until you get as far as you can with it for the time period.  You will be amazed at how much you will accomplish just by focusing on a single task.  

Go ahead, give it a shot and let me know if it helped you  in the comments below or tag me in a post.

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