Friday, September 23, 2016

Rep, Rep, Rep

Do it again, and again, and again, and again.  It can seem monotonous at times but keep going, keep pushing yourself.  If you want to achieve your dreams and goals, make sure you repeat the tasks needed and check in.  Will it seem boring at times, yes, but keep going.  Mix it up and change it up a little bit to keep life interesting but always keep your goals in mind and complete the tasks needed to get closer to them.  Just like a bodybuilder who wants to bulk up, rep, rep, rep.  
There will be days that you want to give up and slow down.  Don’t fret and don’t stress over it.  Everyone feels that way at some point, and usually multiple times!  But what set’s the successful people apart from others, they didn’t let those days stop them.  They kept pushing ahead, and did what they needed to get closer to their goal.  
Rep, Rep, Rep.  Again, Again, Again.  Keep pushing, you will get closer to your dreams, so keep pushing!

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